Your path to greater Intimacy
Intimacy is achieved through daily practice and should be central to your relationship. Ensuring that your partner feels loved, making them feel wanted and desired, and showing them that they are needed and appreciated, will serve to transform your love life and nurture the core of your relationship. It also has the power to build trust; the cornerstone of any solid relationship.
Over time other aspects of life can swallow our attention and shift it away from the most important thing in life; our partners. Gently bringing attention back to your partner will greatly enhance all areas of your life.
Daily Practice of Intimacy
Intimacy is achieved through daily practice and should be central to your relationship. Ensuring that your partner feels loved, making them feel wanted and desired, and showing them that they are needed and appreciated, will serve to transform your love life and nurture the core of your relationship. It also has the power to build trust; the cornerstone of any solid relationship.
Over time other aspects of life can swallow our attention and shift it away from the most important thing in life; our partners. Gently bringing attention back to your partner will greatly enhance all areas of your life.

Love is something that strengthens us and helps us get through life. Having a partner you love is a blessing and showing that love everyday is a wonderful gift to give our partners. Have a think about the way your partner likes to be loved, if you are not sure then ask them. Most people will love the fact that you are working on this aspect of yourself and will not mind being asked about it.
Here are some examples of how to show love:
1) Taking care of their needs. Everyone’s needs vary so have a think about your partner and what they need to be happy. Try and start doing things that satisfy some of their needs.
2) Cooking and helping around the house. No one person should be responsible for the domesticities of life. It can lead to one partner feeling resentful and taken for granted. Try contributing to cooking and maintaining the home if it is not something you do regularly.
3) Words: If you are not often saying how much you love someone then it is time to start. Hearing those words can transform someone’s day. Compliments also go a long way to making someone feel special.
4) Surprising your partner: Have a think about things you can do that are unexpected. What does your partner love doing? Try and do something at least once a month. You may even inspire them to do the same in return.
5) Attention & Listening: Try and give some time every so often to really listening to your partner. Arrange some time when you both just sit and chat about things. You can also try doing the other guides in the Intimacy series which will serve to show how much you care.
6) Take care of yourself: Loving yourself and taking care of your own body is a way of saying to your partner “I love you and I want to be my best self for you”.
7) Give you partner time for themselves.
8) Touch and hugs.
Touching is a fundamental part of intimacy. Over time we may find that we touch each other less and at some point it may even become awkward to do so. It is therefore important to gently reintroduce touching, whether in the form of hugging, regular touches to the body, kind words followed by a hug or kiss. This will cause the body to release bonding chemicals, which in turn makes your partner feel more attached to you and you to them. These chemicals need to be constantly recharged in order to maintain the beautiful bonded feelings.
Making your partner feel Loved

Love is something that strengthens us and helps us get through life. Having a partner you love is a blessing and showing that love everyday is a wonderful gift to give our partners. Have a think about the way your partner likes to be loved, if you are not sure then ask them. Most people will love the fact that you are working on this aspect of yourself and will not mind being asked about it.
Here are some examples of how to show love:
1) Taking care of their needs. Everyone’s needs vary so have a think about your partner and what they need to be happy. Try and start doing things that satisfy some of their needs.
2) Cooking and helping around the house. No one person should be responsible for the domesticities of life. It can lead to one partner feeling resentful and taken for granted. Try contributing to cooking and maintaining the home if it is not something you do regularly.
3) Words: If you are not often saying how much you love someone then it is time to start. Hearing those words can transform someone’s day. Compliments also go a long way to making someone feel special.
4) Surprising your partner: Have a think about things you can do that are unexpected. What does your partner love doing? Try and do something at least once a month. You may even inspire them to do the same in return.
5) Attention & Listening: Try and give some time every so often to really listening to your partner. Arrange some time when you both just sit and chat about things. You can also try doing the other guides in the Intimacy series which will serve to show how much you care.
6) Take care of yourself: Loving yourself and taking care of your own body is a way of saying to your partner “I love you and I want to be my best self for you”.
7) Give you partner time for themselves.
8) Touch and hugs.
Touching is a fundamental part of intimacy. Over time we may find that we touch each other less and at some point it may even become awkward to do so. It is therefore important to gently reintroduce touching, whether in the form of hugging, regular touches to the body, kind words followed by a hug or kiss. This will cause the body to release bonding chemicals, which in turn makes your partner feel more attached to you and you to them. These chemicals need to be constantly recharged in order to maintain the beautiful bonded feelings.
Self confidence varies throughout life. As partners it is partly our responsibility to make our partners feel sexy and desired. Making someone feel desired can be done verbally or physically. Keep those compliments flowing throughout your relationship and physically adore their bodies. Doing these things encourages your partner to take care of themselves. Do not criticize or make jokes about your partner’s appearance; the world can be judgmental enough without our partners adding to the mix.
Making your partner feel Desired
Self confidence varies throughout life. As partners it is partly our responsibility to make our partners feel sexy and desired. Making someone feel desired can be done verbally or physically. Keep those compliments flowing throughout your relationship and physically adore their bodies. Doing these things encourages your partner to take care of themselves. Do not criticize or make jokes about your partner’s appearance; the world can be judgmental enough without our partners adding to the mix.
We all have duties and chores in our lives, and sometimes we can feel unappreciated for all we do. Letting your partner know you are grateful and thankful for all they do will help them feel more positive about doing it. Say thank you for things and you will find your partner in a much happier place.
Making your partner feel Appreciated
We all have duties and chores in our lives, and sometimes we can feel unappreciated for all we do. Letting your partner know you are grateful and thankful for all they do will help them feel more positive about doing it. Say thank you for things and you will find your partner in a much happier place.
Feeling needed is also a very healthy feeling to have and is fundamental to a good relationship. Some people like to control everything which can make their partners feel left out. Ask for help and advice with things and your partner’s confidence will grow. If you know they are knowledgeable about something, ask them about it. They will love you for asking about something they are passionate about.
Making your partner feel Needed
Feeling needed is also a very healthy feeling to have and is fundamental to a good relationship. Some people like to control everything which can make their partners feel left out. Ask for help and advice with things and your partner’s confidence will grow. If you know they are knowledgeable about something, ask them about it. They will love you for asking about something they are passionate about.