The Beauty of just lying together


It is important to take the time just to lie with our partners. Couples often only lie together before and after sex or when sleeping. Taking time to simply enjoy lying together, either clothed or naked, is a beautiful way to connect. The removal of the anticipation of sex allows you to use all of your senses to fully savour your partner.

Lie quietly and inhale their scent; feel the beauty of their skin; listen to their breathing and their heartbeat. This quiet time together can be very powerful and doing this activity regularly increases bonding and reduces stress. It also shows your partner that you love them in every way and not just in a sexual way.

Start by lying on each other’s backs. If your partner is much lighter than you, then simply lie over half of their back, the floor can then take most of your weight.


It is important to take the time just to lie with our partners. Couples often only lie together before and after sex or when sleeping. Taking time to simply enjoy lying together, either clothed or naked, is a beautiful way to connect. The removal of the anticipation of sex allows you to use all of your senses to fully savour your partner.

Lie quietly and inhale their scent; feel the beauty of their skin; listen to their breathing and their heartbeat. This quiet time together can be very powerful and doing this activity regularly increases bonding and reduces stress. It also shows your partner that you love them in every way and not just in a sexual way.

Start by lying on each other’s backs. If your partner is much lighter than you, then simply lie over half of their back, the floor can then take most of your weight.

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