Sexual Rhythm & Variety are powerful tools for you to play with in order to deliver him earthmoving stimulation. You can deliver stimulation moves in different rhythms or deliver different stimulations in different ways. These techniques result in higher levels of arousal and a higher likelihood of him achieving an intense orgasm. Try out our suggestions in this guide and have fun experimenting.
Sexual rhythm & Variety are powerful tools for you to play with in order to deliver him earthmoving stimulation. You can deliver stimulation moves in different rhythms or deliver different stimulations in different ways. These techniques result in higher levels of arousal and a higher likelihood of him achieving an intense orgasm. Try out our suggestions in this guide and have fun experimenting.
Sexual RhythmDifferent patterns for different sensations
Sequential Rhythm
Deliver your hip/vaginal thrusts, finger movements, tongue movements, etc. with a short gap in between each movement. Keep these gaps regular and consistent. This provides a small pause for him to anticipate the next move. Particularly effective during arousal build up.
Sequential Rhythm
Deliver your hip/vaginal thrusts, finger movements, tongue movements, etc. with a short gap in between each movement. Keep these gaps regular and consistent. This provides a small pause for him to anticipate the next move. Particularly effective during arousal build up.